Make America Great Again Bruce Jenner Kris Kardashian

A few days before the release of The Secrets of My Life, Caitlyn Jenner'due south memoir of her journey to transgender womanhood, she and her ex-wife Kris Jenner appeared together on an episode of Keeping Up With the Kardashians. The serial is in its 11th year, simply until 2015, Caitlyn was very much in the background, depicted as Bruce and as she writes in the memoir, every bit "a well–meaning but slightly doddering patriarch who has no life of his own and is subsumed past the women who surround him". Now Caitlyn is centre-stage, giving her ex-married woman a primer on gender identity while Kris maintains the rictus of someone who, for one time, wishes the cameras weren't rolling. When Kris asks Caitlyn if she will undergo gender confirmation surgery, Caitlyn flicks her pilus and sucks in her cheeks. "Don't even get down this road," she says archly. "Because I'm not going to talk nigh it."

What Jenner ways, I call back, is that she won't talk nigh it at the Kardashian kitchen tabular array, on Kardashian time, generating Kardashian ratings and acquirement. For ii seasons she had a perfectly good reality show of her ain – I Am Cait – for that, and at present there's the publicity tour for the volume. The night after our coming together, she will exist interviewed by Tucker Carlson, who replaced Bill O'Reilly on Trick News and two weeks earlier informed a transgender guest on his evidence that a lot of trans women are "faking" information technology to proceeds access to women in public bathrooms, which, says Jenner, "wasn't very dainty". Still, she will go on the testify because it is her mission to convert the unconverted. "I want people who have never met anyone who is trans to have a skilful feel," she says. "I don't want to sit down there and yell y'all used the wrong name, or the wrong gender marking." For the likes of Carlson, she says, "I've got my data to counter anything he comes up with, only I'm going to do it in a fun, joking style."

Jenner attracts no attention in the quiet corner of a hotel bar in mid-town Manhattan. She is in jeans and a sweater, made up merely not overly and then, friendly, proficient-humoured and with a guilelessness it'due south hard non to warm to. She is a source of huge irritation to parts of the transgender community, who couldn't accept wished for a more clueless spokeswoman but who, for that very reason, may be valuable in ways someone more on-message is non. There is a certain charm to Jenner, coordinating to Donald Trump's charm before he had any power and rooted in the same effortless boasting and obliviousness to her ain contradictions. She is the beneficiary of a decade-long reality show who never stops complaining nearly invasion of privacy; she is a trans-advocate who voted for a president who is already undermining transgender rights; when she slips upward and refers to herself historically equally "a guy" and "he", she thinks, "how tin I word it meliorate?", but as well point-blank refuses to retire references to "Bruce" or castigate others who use it. This so-called "dead-naming" is a source of item angst to many in the trans community, for whom use of their old names is associated with efforts to shame them. But, says Jenner, "I had a life for 65 years. OK?" Also which, "I liked Bruce. He was a practiced person. He did a lot in his life. Oh, 'he didn't even be'. Yes he did exist! He worked his barrel off. He won the [Olympic] Games. He raised amazing kids. He did a lot of very, very good things and it's not like I just want to throw that away."

Clan gathering ... Khloe Kardashian, Kris Jenner, Kendall Jenner, Kourtney Kardashian, Kim Kardashian West, North West, Caitlyn Jenner and Kylie Jenner.
Clan gathering ... Khloé Kardashian, Kris Jenner, Kendall Jenner, Kourtney Kardashian, Kim Kardashian West, North West, Caitlyn Jenner and Kylie Jenner. Photo: Kevin Mazur/Getty Images for Yeezy Season 3

It is two years since Jenner came out as Caitlyn on the embrace of Vanity Fair and in chat, ane gets the feeling she is still high on exposure and the novelty of living as her "accurate self". The book, which was written with Buzz Bissinger, a Pulitzer prize-winner and the journalist who did the original Vanity Fair interview, takes a more nuanced approach to Jenner'due south relationship with the person she calls "piddling old Bruce". As a kid, Jenner struggled equally much with undiagnosed dyslexia as with gender dysphoria, something for which, in conservative Westchester County, New York, there was "no information, no proper name". All she knew was that she was fascinated with her older sister Pam's clothes and that when she looked in the mirror, she hated what she saw. "Throughout a lifetime, everything goes through your head," she says. "Am I only a cross-dresser? Is cross-dressing a sexual stimulation to me, and so that I'm having sex with myself? Am I gay, is that what information technology is?" Simply none of these solutions felt right.

The answer, for Jenner, was to throw herself into athletics. "I was the fastest kid in school and the reason I trained and then difficult for so many years had a lot to do with who I was. It made me more determined than the next guy to go out at that place and compete." Able-bodied success, and the public acclaim that came with it, would surely "fix" her nameless unease, merely information technology didn't, non even winning an Olympic golden medal in the decathlon in 1976.

Bruce Jenner with older sister Pam in 1954.
Bruce Jenner with older sister Pam in 1954. Photograph: Courtesy of Jenner family unit

Marriage didn't work, either. Jenner met her first wife, Chrystie, while they were students at Graceland Academy in Iowa. They were both sheltered, she writes; Chrystie the daughter of a minister, Jenner, despite her status as a jock, someone who had at that point only slept with one other adult female. They married in 1972 and had two children, although by the time Casey, the second, was born, the wedlock had disintegrated. "I utilize the term 'distraction'," says Jenner, "equally in 'that was my next distraction, my children'. And I get all sorts of hell from my kids for that. My kids were not a distraction in my life – they were wonderful – but it was a lark from myself, from who I was."

In fact, for the next 2 decades, Jenner was so preoccupied with her own unhappiness, she was almost entirely absent-minded from the lives of her showtime four children, to the extent that her daughter, Casey, didn't invite Jenner to her wedding ceremony in 2007 – something she suffered terrible guilt nearly, she writes, but now seems to have fully recovered from.

One of the critiques of Jenner is that her wealth and celebrity is so wildly unrepresentative of the average transgender experience – every bit she is at pains to signal out, transgender Americans face staggering rates of poverty and violence, with 9 trans women murdered in the U.s. this year alone and "all of them were trans women of colour" – that her example is worse than useless. To speak of "authenticity" in the context of Jenner'southward transition has almost no pregnant, when that transition has been so cushioned by privilege and compromised by turn a profit motive.

The book, I call up, puts paid to this line. Jenner was, simply, very unhappy for much of her developed life, through her second "lark" – marriage to Linda Thompson, a model and histrion she met at the Playboy mansion, and the nascency of their 2 children, Brandon and Brody – right up to meeting Kris Kardashian. In that location are some terribly poignant scenes in this menstruation, during which she tries to broach her gender confusion both with Linda, at one point appearing before her in a wig and dress and being met with a hideous silence, and Pam, her sis, who was more sympathetic but even so panicked into silence. When Jenner and Linda went to therapy together, she heard the term "gender dysphoria" for the offset time and began to understand what she was grappling with. The marriage, unsurprisingly, concluded.

'I'm going to do it in a fun, joking way' ... Caitlyn Jenner talks to Tucker Carlson on Fox News.
'I'1000 going to do it in a fun, joking way' ... Caitlyn Jenner talks to Tucker Carlson on Fox News. Photograph: Fox News

Information technology would be another thirty years before Jenner was able to transition and one gets the impression her politics were a large function of the problem. During her appearance at the Republican national convention last yr, Jenner joked that she "got more trouble for coming out as a Republican than I did for being trans". It made me wonder whether, just as closeted Republicans are oftentimes virulently homophobic, her conservatism had been office of her camouflage?

"Part of my cover-up?" she says. "Hmm. That'south interesting. Was information technology function of me hiding abroad from who I was? I think it had a lot to practise with growing up in the 50s and 60s, and having a World State of war 2 begetter who landed on Omaha beach, believed in this state, and I loved all its freedoms. I don't like big government. The only thing that'southward going to get this country out of debt is the American people. Get the government the heck out of here!"

Does she regret voting for Trump?

"No," says Jenner, so chop-chop I suspect "regret" is a give-and-take she has been counselled to refuse in whatever context. "I don't regret voting for Trump. As far equally my community goes, I realise my loyalties do non lie with Donald Trump or the Republican party. But I lean on that side. OK? Why? Because I believe in limited government, lower taxes, less regulation. Now, exercise I agree with the Republicans on every issue? Absolutely not. And I know – I'chiliad not stupid – I know that they're not as good when it comes to LGBT issues. OK? The Democrats do amend there. OK?"

Bruce Jenner competing in the decathlon at the 1976 Montreal Olympic Games.
Bruce Jenner competing in the decathlon at the 1976 Montreal Olympic Games. Photograph: Wally McNamee/Corbis via Getty Images

That would seem to be a primal effect, I suggest.

"Just I'grand not a one-issue voter. So I would rather fight the Republicans to do a better job when it comes to all LGBT issues, than fight the Democrats to lower taxes and requite u.s. less regulations out at that place for business organization."

Trump recently rescinded federal protections for transgender students, allowing them to utilise bathrooms in accordance with their gender identity. "I was so disappointed," says Jenner. "I have verbally criticised him and his assistants. I did talk to him at the inauguration briefly, and I talked to him one time on the campaign trail about trans bug and he seemed to be really pretty practiced. And and so when he did the [bathroom] thing information technology was like, whoa."

The reason Jenner didn't run into this coming, she says, is because in 2012, Trump allowed a trans adult female to compete in Miss Universe. Now all that trust has evaporated. "Trump wanted me to play golf with him and I idea yous know what? It would be a good idea to go downward to Mar-a-Lago, I'll spend four hours on the golf course with him, I'll talk well-nigh issues, things that are affecting our customs. Plus to have a 67-twelvemonth-old trans girl beat his barrel at golf, that'due south ever good, likewise! Humble the guy a lilliputian fleck." Jenner looks thoughtful. "Simply then, I idea, there's no way I can be seen with the guy."

When Kris Kardashian met Bruce Jenner in 1990, he – Jenner tends towards utilize of the male pronoun when referring to her pretransition life – was pretty washed up. His days as a Television sports commentator were over and he hadn't had a booking for a public appearance in eight years. They met on a blind date and married within a year, whereupon Kris fired his agents, stuck his name on a line of gym equipment and thoroughly rebooted his career. They had two children, Kendall and Kylie, whom they raised alongside the four children from Kris's previous human relationship, Kourtney, Kim, Khloé and Robert, the future stars of Keeping Upward With the Kardashians.

The about startling revelation of the book is that when they met, Jenner had been on hormone replacement therapy for iv and a one-half years and had a bust size of 36B. Earlier coming together Kris, she had been adamant to transition before turning twoscore and the main controversy over the book has been Kris'due south suggestion – made on her TV show – that Jenner married her on false pretences. Jenner says this isn't so and that she told Kris from the beginning she had gender problems. "Did I downplay it some? Of course I did. Because I was coming upwards off 6 years of hell, and of course I wanted to go back into the game. I'g sure I downplayed information technology, because I didn't think 25 years later I would transition."

Kris knew y'all had been taking hormones?


I'm surprised that wasn't a bigger heads upward to her that you were trans.

"A lot of women have that can-exercise attitude and call up I can gear up this guy. And I wanted to exist fixed, to be honest with you. I wanted to get back into work. We paired up and were a slap-up team. It was 23 years of my life. We raised wonderful children. She was an boggling good business person. I owe her a debt of gratitude for getting me out of this hole and getting me back working. It was a very mutual determination to divide. I didn't leave to go transition."

Bruce Jenner and Kris Kardashian's wedding day in 1991.
Bruce Jenner and Kris Kardashian's nuptials 24-hour interval in 1991. Photograph: Courtesy of Wendy Roth

No i reading Jenner's volume could dubiousness the authenticity of her journeying. The but cynical response I had was in the timing of the transition. Jenner had no narrative arc in Keeping Upwardly With The Kardashians. She was a thoroughly marginalised and somewhat pathetic effigy, and when she left the firm, transitioning brought her the kind of attending she couldn't have dreamed of in a million years while yet at the Kardashian mansion.

"Attending in terms of what?"

Getting your own reality show –

"Oh, I don't care about that stuff! I just don't care about some other bear witness. Information technology didn't even cross my mind. My intentions were number one, to calm my soul. To deal with this issue and be myself. This woman had lived inside me for 65 years, information technology'due south time for her to alive! Let'southward give her a shot and see what she could do. Bruce has done everything! Had all his children, won the Games. This woman – it's her turn! And that platform I have: can I brand a difference in the world?"

At that place wasn't a tiny part of you lot that wanted to upstage your ex-wife?

"Upstage her? No. I just wanted to be me. Kris is a expert person – we've had our differences, especially now – but she saved my life in and then many ways, she turned my life around."

"She made you lots of money, let'due south face up it," I say and for the but fourth dimension in the interview, Jenner looks annoyed.

"Yeah but I don't care near money. I'g non a money person."

Later the marriage ended, Jenner told her business managing director, "OK, I'm playing in the fourth quarter of life and for the last 25 years, I haven't done anything for myself. I volition relish this money." She bought a "few piddling toys" – a nice "3,500 sq ft house on elevation of a loma in Malibu with a swell view, non some mansion of a monstrosity like all my kids alive in. It'southward a humble little identify. I bought an airplane, just a modest i, because I've ever been into aviation and Kris didn't like that, and so I'd been out of it for 15 years. I bought a couple of little race cars." She shrugs. Equally she says, she's non a coin person.

Did Jenner regret not having transitioned at the age of 39, giving herself 25 more years of life as she was meant to alive information technology?

"No. I have no regrets."

'I bought a couple of little racing cars' ... Caitlyn Jenner.
'I bought a couple of little racing cars' ... Caitlyn Jenner. Photograph: Courtesy of Caitlyn Jenner

"You wouldn't have had the Kardashians," I say.

"Well, that'due south not part of information technology, your soul, and beingness happy," she snaps. "This is the deal: it's very uncomplicated. It wasn't time. The issue wasn't where information technology is today. I had but a few minor things done to make me experience better about myself, and I thought I'm going to practise this before my 40s – I'g not going to be an old chick. I don't want to exist an quondam chick. And I got to 39 and I couldn't do it. For six years I had isolated myself in a business firm, didn't appointment, didn't get out. And I'yard thinking, boy, maybe I should get back into the game. I'm just sitting here in this house, rotting away. I just don't accept the guts to practice it. I married Kris with great intentions."

The Kardashian kids have been supportive of Jenner's transition, especially Kim, although they were upset when Jenner excluded them from her first Telly interview with Diane Sawyer two years ago. Jenner thought including the Kardashians would brand the whole affair look like a "big joke", then used the adult children from her showtime ii families instead.

Since then, there has been no stopping her. She has become assertive on the effect of women's rights, realising that, "in so many cases, women underestimate their power. They've been brainwashed growing up, being the girl, they're supposed to be in the groundwork and all that stuff. I don't see that. I didn't come to womanhood that manner, by sitting in the back. OK?" As a result, she says, "I like to encourage women to exist more than powerful and stand up for yourself."

I suggest that Jenner's assertiveness as a woman is partly rooted in having lived her life to the age of 65 as a beneficiary of male privilege.

"Yeah!" she says cheerfully. "I would agree with that. I know the other side. I've been in that location all my life. But I want to use that to my reward." This is and then honest, I'm somewhat taken aback. She goes on, "Some of the criticism that my community has had is that I'thou white, I've got coin, I'g privileged and all that kind of stuff. I get that. OK? Tin can't do much about being white. Kind of born that way. Privileged? Yeah. I've worked hard all my life. I've tried to exist every bit smart as I can and yeah, I've been successful from that standpoint. And I'one thousand not going to apologise for that." She chuckles. "Non even close."

To Jenner, "privilege" means having worked difficult, and nosotros hitting some defoliation around definitions of gay and straight, as well. When I ask nearly her ambivalent response to gay marriage – Jenner is fully on board, now, only acquired a lot of trouble on Ellen a few years agone by saying, reluctantly, "If that discussion 'spousal relationship' is actually, really that important to you, I tin go with it," – one gets the impression this is a difficult area for her.

"Um. Yep. I've always been with other women. I think I say in the book that if I were to go through gender confirmation, I don't know what my hereafter would exist." I ask if the give-and-take lesbian – which I sense is problematic for Jenner – is appropriate and she seems to recall I'thou asking her whether, earlier her transition, she was attracted to men and says, rather quickly, "sexually, I was heterosexual. Was that a high priority – in what the public perceived to be this male, Olympic stud? Non even close."

I mention all this because for the second half of our interview, it feels to me as if I'g interacting with an ego that, to use the linguistic communication Jenner herself eschews, has been thoroughly socialised every bit male, to the extent that – and I apologise for this – after the interview, I inadvertently refer to her with the male person pronoun, having to that point, and every bit is right, referred to her exclusively every bit "she". This does not undermine her journeying, or the journeying of whatsoever other trans person. Merely after hanging out with Jenner, information technology is impossible to avoid the sense that she is all the same securely vested in the spoils that came to her every bit a event of the outward signifiers of her pretransition life.

Anyway, she says, she is not interested in sex activity. "I'g more excited about fighting battles for our customs than I am about going out on a date." Poor old community. Information technology's impossible to tell if Jenner does more harm than proficient, but if we are all, at this point, permitted to be the sole determinants of our own identities, so Jenner has the right to ascertain herself precisely as she pleases. "It was hard giving onetime Bruce up, in a lot of ways," she says. "He withal lives inside me. I all the same do a lot of the things former Bruce used to do. I still fly airplanes and get race cars once in a while. I can accept the best of both worlds." She bestows on me her most dazzling smile. "I can live my life authentically, and still practise all the fun stuff!"


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